/delayed/status POST

Allows you to check the status of a given delayed request

Required parameters

Name Type Description
delayed_id string The delayed_id supplied by the /delayed/add endpoint.



Example response

     "status": "ok",
     "request_time": 1332359153,
     "data": {
         "delayed_id": "4dc9acea045bbf04348f9691",
         "processed": 1332359353,
         "check_id": "4dc9acea045bbf04348f9399"

If the delayed request is still in the queue, you will receive a status: error message along with a description. The check_id supplied should be used in your subsequent request to the /keywords/serp endpoint.

Note: failed delayed requests do not get requeued (unlike the priority and daily queues). In this instance you will receive status: error and failed: true in the JSON response.
